We take great pride in creating a warm, clean and inviting home for residents.
Our Environmental Services team provides in-room daily cleaning, housekeeping, and maintenance services for our residents. They keep our common spaces sparkling and tidy and create beautiful settings for meetings and special events. For each holiday, our Environmental Services team decorate the Villa. They add thoughtful touches to enhance each space and enhance life at the Villa overall!
Our team takes “clean” to a whole new level. Every 6-8 weeks, we “Spring- Clean” resident rooms from top to bottom. Furniture, floors, curtains, much like you would do in your own home.
Our Linen Services team provides door-to-door service for residents. Personal clothing, linens, disposable brief and personal care items are processed off-site and delivered daily. All clothing and personal items are labeled or engraved for identification and hygiene.We also provide basic sewing repairs and clothing alterations upon request..
Our Maintenance Services team oversees all preventative and corrective maintenance at the Villa and makes sure all behind-the-scenes technical systems are operating safely and efficiently. For maintenance assistance, ask a staff member or reception.
If you are looking for clothing, items or necessities for a resident, ask us about how we can help!
We have many items graciously donated that may be just what you need!