Today, long term care facilities are challenged with the growing curve in antibiotic resistant bacteria and the increasing prevalence of viral illnesses in this otherwise immune-compromised population.
St. Joseph’s Villa supports advanced care in relation to Infection Control, while meeting the needs of our seniors. Our annual influenza vaccination campaign takes place in late October to early November. To help lessen outbreaks and the spread of these invisible culprits, we strongly encourage families and friends of the Villa to help us protect those you love by getting your annual flu shot.
Before you visit, consider how you are feeling. Aches, pains, sneezing, coughs, fatigue might mean you are already contagious! Many residents have compromised, delicate immune systems that put them at greater risk. Please don’t share! Help us protect our residents and stop the spread of infections by taking good care of yourself first. You’ll enjoy your visits more and help us keep our residents healthy!
How else can you help? WASH your hands, wash YOUR hands, wash your HANDS! Before, after, during visits…it’s our best defense.
For questions or concerns, please call Natalie, our Infection Prevention & Control Co-ordinator 905-627-9011 ext. 2228.