Chair – Eda Cipolaa
The St. Joseph’s Villa Family Council began in September of 2005. The Family Council is a group of family members and friends of residents who come together on a monthly basis to discuss issues which may affect resident’s quality of life. The members also act as a support network for one another and all families of the Villa. The meetings present an opportunity for friends and families to discuss ideas and concerns and to make recommendations for change to the facility. The Family Council serves as an advocate for the residents of the Villa, as well as a line of communication between staff and families. The St. Joseph’s Villa Family Council is also a member of the LHIN Four Regional Family Council Network. Our goal regionally is to “educate, advocate and disseminate” information to shape long term care in Ontario. Please take note of meeting times posted around the Villa.
Please come out and join us for our Family Council Meetings the third Monday of each month in the Juravinski Board Room, Ground Floor. Please see our Family Council bulletin board located outside the Tuck Shop for more information and copies of our minutes. Please look at the online schedule for any changes in dates and times for our meetings.