The Convalescent Care Unit (CCU) is located on the 5th Floor of St Joseph’s Villa and has 41 beds. The program is a unit for patients who no longer need hospital care, however are unable to return home as they need a period of time to regain full functional status and become once again independent with self care. The majority of our patients are often recovering from medical or surgical acute care. The program includes a supportive team of 24 hour supervision with Nursing Care, Physiotherapy Services, Occupational Therapy Services, Social Work Services, Therapeutic Recreation programming and a selection of other supportive services.
Convalescent Care is funded by the MOHLTC (90 days per calendar year) and patients must meet regulatory requirements. Referrals for CCU are managed by CCAC and partner Hospitals.
Objectives of the Program:
- Timeframe for recovery of strength, endurance and functions
- Patient participation in program activities and services
- Health Teaching and capable of learning
- Patient to return to Home